Monday, December 15, 2008

Landon, Kinsley and Cole's First Birthday Party

Hey everyone. Yesterday we had Landon, Kinsley, and Cole's First Birthday party. Tonya and I decided that since everyone is so busy and it is so close to Christmas that we could have one big party for all three of them, for those of you who don't know Cole is my cousin that was born 5 days before the twins. The party was so much fun. We opened presents first, and then the babies each got their own cakes to dig into. Kinsley dove face first into her cake like it was a pie eating contest, Landon wasn't sure what to do but eventually ate some of it, and Cole demolished his and then started throwing it. It was so hilarious. Here are some pictures from the day. I am going to try and put the video of the cake eating on later, I think blogger is not working right because I tried to upload it first. Anyways, enjoy!