Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Getting ready for halloween!

Landon and Kinsley are going to be Thing 1 and Thing 2 for halloween. I (with the help of my friend Megan) decided to make their costumes because they were so expensive. I am finished with the outfit part and I have one wig made. However, I didn't realize that they would know how to take the wig off, so I don't think they will wear it long. I tried it on them and they immediately tried to take it off. Maybe I will be able to get one good picture of them dressed all the way. Anyways, here is a picture of them in the wig. It is precious.

Tristen's soccer party

Tristen had a end of the season soccer party last night. The party was at CiCi's pizza. The kids were given each given a trophy and soccer cupcakes. I thought it was very sweet that Tristen was still included even though he only got to play one game. are some pictures from last night and his professional soccer picture of him and his team.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Landon playing Peek-A-Boo

Here is a video of Landon playing Peek-A-Boo. Enjoy!

Landon and the bunny

Landon always has to be rocked to sleep. So, I was amazed when I came in the living room and Landon had fallen asleep in the floor sucking on his bunny's ear.It was so cute.

Landon got hungry...

Landon saw that Tristen had a poptart, so I guess he decided that he wanted one too. He went to the cabinet, opened it, pulled out the bread and found the poptarts. There must have been one already opened in there, because the next thing I know he was eating one. Here are some pictures.

Kisses on Command

Kinsley gives kisses to anyone, as long as you say the keyword. The keyword is "Daddy". Here is a video of her giving kisses on command.